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- May I help you?
- I would like to make a phone call.

―Què volia?
―Voldria telefonar.

- What would you like to drink?
- I’ll have a beer, please.

―Què vols prendre?
―Vull prendre una cervesa.

- How much is this?
- It costs two hundred euros.

―Què val això?
―Val dos-cents euros.

- How much is it?
- It’s five euros, please.

―Què li dec?
―Són cinc euros.

Can I have the bill, please?

El compte, per favor.

It’s expensive. It’s very expensive.
It’s too expensive.

És car. És molt car. És massa car.

It’s cheap. It’s very cheap. It’s too cheap.

És barat. És molt barat. És massa barat.

Have you got any bread? Have you
got today’s paper?

Que teniu pa? Que teniu el diari?

There are a lot of people. There aren’t
a lot of people.

Hi ha molta de gent. Hi ha poca gent.

There’s nobody there. There’s nothing

No hi ha ningú. No hi ha res.

There are a lot of things. There
are very few things.

Hi ha moltes de coses. Hi ha poques coses.